How to Stay Fit and Healthy During Covid-19

3 min readSep 28, 2021

This pandemic has made us all so anxious and we are on a constant lookout for ways to keep ourselves fit and healthy during these bizzare times. It can also be very difficult to keep up with your fitness regime when there are so many things on your mind! It’s easy to make excuses, but if you want to stay healthy and fit during this pandemic, don’t worry! Not being able to go to the gym should not restrict you from working out and keeping your body fit, so here are some things that you can do to ensure that you get your workout every day.

  1. Bodyweight exercises to stay fit and healthy– Mobility, stability, and muscular endurance activities are the essentials of any program. Bodyweight exercises include planks, bridges, body squats, and yoga movements that are ideally the first steps to establish a strong foundation for the fitness of your body.
  2. Household items replacing gym equipment– Fitness equipment is costly and with the ongoing Covid-19 Pandemic, you might be hesitant to travel to the gym, and hence you can use alternatives home items into your workout. Milk jugs, homemade sandbags, brooms, tires, and just about anything that strengthens your core and muscles. The whole point is to not be lazy and get moving! You got this. You can also equip your home gym with a few pairs of different weight dumbbells, resistance bands, pull-up bar, jump rope, and perhaps an exercise mat.
  3. Alternate between your workouts– It is best if you keep switching between your exercises. This way you can get your body to try new things and exercise different muscles. Challenge your body and this way you won’t ever get bored! There are quite a lot of workout apps such a Nike fitness, Home Workout, Fitness, and Bodybuilding that have variations in their workout routine.
  4. Walk- If none of the above things work out for you. Just go for a simple 15-minute walk around your area. You won’t believe how many health benefits are there simply through walking. It increases your cardiovascular and pulmonary fitness. Reduces the risk of heart disease and stroke. So what are you waiting for! Just put on your coat and wear on those stylish shoes and go for it!

The best way to stay safe and healthy during Covid-19 Pandemic is to keep yourself in good physical condition. By staying fit and healthy, you will be able to run away from any potential threat and evade infection. There are a lot of different ways to stay fit, and it’s important to find the one that works best for you. In this article, we’ve provided you with some simple tips that can help keep you safe from the virus. We hope these tips have been helpful!

There are definitely more ways to keep yourself fit and you will find tons of articles on the internet. But like they say, “Proof of the pudding is only in the eating” If there is anything else we can do for you, please let us know by following our Instagram page or visiting our website today. These are some tips that you can use to stay fit and healthy during Covid-19 pandemic.

Looking for Rapid antigen testing and RT-PCR testing, visit Healthyaa. Healthyaa is a government listed service and a UKAS registered provider for Covid-19 RT-PCR Tests for Travellers in the UK.


In order to find more up-to-date information about COVID-19 symptoms and how it is transmitted, visit the COVID-19 webpage

